This body of work is located at multiple intersections related to the Anthropocene. Gazing the Anthropocene is an extension of my ongoing photographic research using digital infrared photography to investigate spaces and places with strong historical and cultural significance. Shot in Turkey between May 01 – 20, 2018, as part a one-month artist in residency program at Tab Residency program in Turkey. The images were edited over a two-year creative incubation period. The project proposes a series of infrared photographic images of ancient sites to generate a dialogue between—and about—contemporary and historical landscapes where the notion of time, space and place is represented in a surrealist aesthetic. The helmet actually gives a very emotive alien feel, as if we’re strangers to our own world transforming our ubiquitous understanding of landscapes.This found object has strong cultural connotation related to science fiction and technology it is contextualized in these artworks as a metaphor of humankind’s blind faith in technology and the ways it has guided its devastating global economic practices.